President Samia warns: No leniency for disruptors of national stability

In a firm and resolute speech at the climax of the 60th anniversary of the Tanzania Police Force in Moshi, President Samia Suluhu Hassan reiterated her unwavering commitment to safeguarding the nation’s peace and stability. She stressed her constitutional duty to protect the country, stating, “I swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania and my duty, together with the security forces, is to safeguard the peace of our country.”

The President made it clear that there would be no leniency for anyone who threatens the country’s peace, warning that those coordinating or participating in such actions would face severe consequences. Referring to recent unrest, including a disrupted meeting in Ngulelo, Arusha Region, she condemned those responsible and urged swift action from law enforcement. “I connect this to the decisions made at a meeting on 11 September this year, held by a certain political party in Ngulelo, Arusha Region.

The meeting aimed to incite the youth by accusing the Police Force, engaging in divisive politics at various funerals and demoralizing the police, hindering them from carrying out their duty to protect citizens and their property. This is unacceptable,” she stated. Addressing senior police officers, President Samia gave directives to reinforce the criminal justice system and enhance the Police Force’s efficiency.

She implored the importance of the police upholding the law and maintaining public trust, especially in the light of a recent incident in Mwanza where citizens blocked a police vehicle transporting a suspect. The President also stressed the need for the Police Force to embrace technology to combat crime more effectively in the digital era, assuring her government’s support for these efforts within the available budget. She further urged diplomats in the country to adhere to their diplomatic status when making political statements.

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