Arusha News

Justice Othman : Human cost of Sudan’s conflict unacceptable

Question: What are the primaryhuman rights and internationalhumanitarian law violationsidentified by the UN Fact-FindingMission in Sudan and which partycommitted them? Answer: The primary violationscommitted since the outbreakof armed hostilities in mid-April2023 are war crimes and crimesagainst humanity, which are coreinternational crimes.Regarding war crimes, theRapid Support Forces (RSF) andits allied forces committed crimesagainst humanity, includingmurder of…

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AfCHPR: Revoke death sentence

The Arusha-based African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR) has directed Tanzania to revoke the death sentence imposed on Burundian refugees Habyalimana Augustino and Muburu Abdulkarim, convicted of murder and sentenced to death by hanging. The court issued the order following a complaint filed by the refugees, who alleged violations of their rights under…

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Arusha hosts Tourism Expo

More than 400 local and international exhibitors will participate at the International Tourism Day show in Arusha next week, alongside the East African Tourism and Travel Expo, which would bring together the sector leaders and dignitaries to highlight the role of tourism and peace in unlocking investment and growth in Tanzania. The organizers of Rethinking…

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